Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Technological Background

Well I would have to say that my technological background is probably average. It isn't the best it could be but I am capable of getting by with the knowledge I do have. Throughout my education I have been required to take certain classes that have helped develop my understanding and use of technology. The one that specifically comes to mind is the one I took in high school. In it I gained skills to help me better use the programs in Microsoft office. I learned a lot from that class and it has greatly benefited me through out my continuing education. Although I have learned a lot of skills pertaining to technology, I find myself constantly hitting road blocks, where I get stuck and can't complete an assignment or project because I am not completely aware of how to work something. I am currently working at a copy center on campus and it has been interesting to see how technology is used in our center. We just barely bought new printers/copiers that are much more technologically advanced then the ones we had before. It has shown me how much I don't know about all that is taking place technologically and how the more I learn the better off I will be.

1 comment:

  1. Christina:

    Learning how to problem-solve with technology is one of the most important skills you can learn. This is because technology is always changing. You can develop this skill this semester by struggling to figure out questions on your own for a little before immediately turning to a peer or instructor for help when you hit a road block.
