Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Other Project Presentation

I learned from looking at other progect presentations how many different opportunities there are to incorporate technology in the classroom. I realized how creative you can be with it, and how much more interesting and beneficial it makes the lessons. I learned that some technology requires more work and that some depend a lot on what resources you have in your classroom. You can tell a lot about how much technology is used in the classroom by looking at the student's faces when you use it.

Peer's Presentations

One thing I learned about technology integration from my peer's presentations was, really look and see what kind of things are out there and what possibilities you have. One of the lessons involved finding a website online that helped teach simple machines. I haden't seen anything like this. It made me realize that there are a lot of cool resources out there that can be used to enhance a lesson. Another idea that I got is to really get the students involved with the technology. If they get to participate in it then they get to have a hands on experience, they learn a new technology, and they will understand the concepts all the better. It is also much more engaging and motivating if they get to play an active part.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Doing part of Internet Safety

For this part of the internet safety, I talked to both my mom and my dad. I was surprised to find that when I asked them what they knew about one of the internet saftety issues, they said they didn't really know a whole lot. The internet safety issue that I talked to them about was cyberbullying. I told a story about a young boy that committed suicide because of it that I learned about on one of the videos I watched. We then just talked about some of the things that can be done to help prevent that and be aware of it. I also shared what I learned about opposing evil from President Hinkley's talk. We discussed the four ways to not shrink from evil. It went well, and was a positive experience.

Integrated Technology

IP&T 287 Reading Reflection

1. I read "Opposing Evil" by President Gordon B. Hinkley from the November 1975 ensign.

2. I learned that although the world is filled with a lot of filth in the media, there is still hope, we can make a choice of whether or not we will let it take over and destroy our lives. President Hinkley, before giving four ways to oppose evil, shared his optimism, hope and faith in the people in this land and others. It was a really good example to not let the evil things in the world adn media bog us down. We can shrink not and set an example within our families and communities by choosing uplifting media.

3. President Hinkley gave four ways to oppose evil. As a future parent/teacher of youth I will need to make sure I start with myself. I will make sure that I am living an honest, true, chaste, benevolent, and virtuous life. I will make sure I train a better generation for a better tomorrow. I can do this by making sure that either my students or children are surrounded by good, uplifting media. I can also set a good example of someone who has chosen to surround themselves in positive media and has been blessed because of it. Third, I can build public sentiment with a few earnest voices. It is important to stand up in your community and support that which is good. It is okay to voice your opinion on certain issues concerning the media. Play an active role in helping promote uplifting media in the community. Finally, fourth, I can enlist in the strength of God. I can put on the whole armor of God and be protected from the distruction bad media can bring. With his help I can overcome and oppose all evil.

4. I can have a positive influence on family and friends by setting a good example. I can get my strength from the Lord and stand up for what I know is right. They can see me participating in good, uplifting media, and know that I won't participate in anything that offends the spirit.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

IPT Quiz # 9 Questions

1. When somebody knows their __________ they know who they are.
( Identity)

2. Sarah displays ______________ when she makes all of her choices based on her parents past choices in similar situations. She doesn't consider her different options.
(Identity foreclosure)

3. Luke is only 11 but he is already showing ___________ as he is very concerned for his future posterity.