Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Virtual Tour Table (Westward Expansion)

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Louisiana Purchase territoryStudents will have a link to wikipedia information on the Louisiana Purchase. They will be asked to jot down its importance, and how the land was obtained. They will also have to color in the area that the treaty included on a map of the U.S. Wikipedia link, polygon of the louisiana purchase, and image overlay
2.Lewis and Clark (Pittsburgh, beginning of their expidition)Students will measure the distance Lewis and Clark covered during their expidition. Image overlay of Lewis and Clark and path of their expidition
3.Treaties with the Indians (mid-west)There will be a link for students to go to to learn about treaties with the Indians. They will be asked to write down three different treaties and what they involved and what Indians were apart of it.Picture overlay of different Indian groups

4.California Gold Rush (California)

Students will have a link to information about the Gold Rush. They will be asked to do a one paragraph write-up as if they were one of the people going to California for the gold rush. In it they must have four facts they learned about the gold rush.Path and picture overlay
Details of image overlay, path, polygon:I will have one polygon that will be of the louisiana purchase. My picture overlays will consist of a picture of the actual louisiana purchase treaty, lewis and Clark, different Indian groups and pictures of people and places involved with the California gold Rush. I will have to paths. One of the Lewis and Clark expidition and one of the gold Rush.

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