Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 27th Quiz Questions

The following are true/false questions.

1. Locus of Casuality helps determine whether a personsons motiviation is either intrinsic or extrinsic because it focuses on the cause of behavior.

2. An incentive is an attractive object or event supplied as a consequence of a behavior.

3. Susie, only participates in group work when she feels like she can make a big contribution. This is an example of legitimate peripheral participation.

4. Personal growth, fulfillment, and self-determination are huministic interpretations of motivation.

5. Maslow's deficiency needs are survival, safety, belonging, and self-esteem.

1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-T

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TPACK Questions for Virtual Tour


The content for this lesson is found in the 5th grade social studies core curriculum under standard 4 objective 1b. Students are to examine causes and consequences of important events in the United States expansion such as the Louisiana purchase, Lewis and Clark expiditions, treaties with Indians, and California gold rush. This lesson will provide students with an opportunity to see how each of these factors influence westward expansion and the prices that were paid for that expansion.


Students will learn about westward expansion of the United States in a very hands on, and visual way. We will talk about westward expansion as a class and then let students go and find out for themselves what things helped the U.S. expand. By having this hands on experience and being able to discover the information on their own, students will be able to really feel like the information is theirs and it can more easily be personalied and remembered.


The technology that this lesson will use is Google Earth. I will be creating a virtual tour to lead students through the different causes and consequences of westward expansion. This program allows easy access to resources such as wikipedia, pictures and different paths. Students will be able to retrieve all of the information they needed for the assignment and will be able to do so in a more visual and hands on way.

Virtual Tour Table (Westward Expansion)

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Louisiana Purchase territoryStudents will have a link to wikipedia information on the Louisiana Purchase. They will be asked to jot down its importance, and how the land was obtained. They will also have to color in the area that the treaty included on a map of the U.S. Wikipedia link, polygon of the louisiana purchase, and image overlay
2.Lewis and Clark (Pittsburgh, beginning of their expidition)Students will measure the distance Lewis and Clark covered during their expidition. Image overlay of Lewis and Clark and path of their expidition
3.Treaties with the Indians (mid-west)There will be a link for students to go to to learn about treaties with the Indians. They will be asked to write down three different treaties and what they involved and what Indians were apart of it.Picture overlay of different Indian groups

4.California Gold Rush (California)

Students will have a link to information about the Gold Rush. They will be asked to do a one paragraph write-up as if they were one of the people going to California for the gold rush. In it they must have four facts they learned about the gold rush.Path and picture overlay
Details of image overlay, path, polygon:I will have one polygon that will be of the louisiana purchase. My picture overlays will consist of a picture of the actual louisiana purchase treaty, lewis and Clark, different Indian groups and pictures of people and places involved with the California gold Rush. I will have to paths. One of the Lewis and Clark expidition and one of the gold Rush.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 20th Quiz Questions

Match the following words and concepts with their correct definition.

1. Collaboration
2. Jigsaw
3. Inquiry Learning
4. Instructional Conversation
5. Cognitive Apprenticeship

a. Evaluating conclusions by logically and systematically examining the problem, the evidence, and the solution.
b. Approach in which the teacher presents a puzzling situation and students solve the problem by gathering data and testing their conclusions.
c. A philosophy about how to deal with people that respects differences, shares authority, and builds on the knowledge of others.
d. Approach where groups of two or three students ask and answer each other's questions after a lesson or presentation.
e. A cooperative structure in which each member of a group is responsible for teaching other members one section of the material.
f. A relationship in which a less experienced learner aquires knowledge and skills under the guidance of an expert.
g. Situation in which students learn through interactions with teachers and/or other students.

Answers: 1-c, 2-e, 3-b, 4-g, 5-f

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 13th Quiz Questions

Match the following vocabulary words with their definition.

A. Operations
B. egocentric
C. Classification
D. Assimilation
E. Accommodation

1. ALtering existing schemes or creating new ones in response to new information.
2. Assuming that others experience the world the way you do.
3. Mental tasks involving abstract thinking and coordination of a number of variables.
4. Actions a person carries out by thinking them through instead of literally performing the actions.
5. Grouping objects into categories.
6. Fitting new information into existing schemes.
7. Mental tasks tied to concrete objects and situations.

Answers: A-4, B-2, C-5, D-6, E-1

Trying on Clothes

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TPACK Questions

The content of this lesson is found from the Utah Core Curriculum for Language Arts. It is objective 2 and objective 6. Objective 2 includes developing language through viewing media and presenting and objective 6 involves writing in different genres. We will be fulfilling the first objective by creating a digital story and the second objective by working with a poem.

For the pedagogy, students will be doing poetry interpretation. They will work together in groups and pick a poem that they would like to work with and interpret. They will be able to show how they interpret the poem through their digital story of it. This supports the content knkowledge because it provides students with a different genre of writing.

For this lesson, students will be making digital stories and using the program photo story to make them. They will be working with a poem, one of the genres of writing, and will be using it to develop their language skils through making and presenting a media presenting their stories with the rest of the class.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quiz Questions for 2/6/09

1. Who discovered classical conditioning?
a. Aristotle
b. Pavlov
c. Skinner
d. Premack

2. Classical conditioning is:
a. learning in which voluntary behavior is strengthened by or weakened by consequences or antecedents.
b. strengthening behavior by presenting a desired stimulus after the behavior.
c. association of two events because of repeated pairing.
d. association of automatic responses with new stimuli.

3. Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?
a. falling out of a chair and getting attention from your peers
b. putting on a seat belt to stop it from beeping at you.
c. wearing a new outfit and getting comments on it.
d. working hard on a project and getting a good grade on it.

Answers: b, d, b

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TPACK Questions

The content for this lesson was the 4th grade standard 5, objective 2 which is: describe the common plants and animals found in Utah enviornments and how these organisms have adapted to the enviornment in which they live.

The pedagogy used in this lesson is teaching students to classify, organize and recognize. By teaching students how to do this, and by doing it with students, they will be able to use those skills later on, and better understand the information being taught.

The technology used in this lesson was kidspiration. It was a great tool in being able to classify and describe the organisms the students would decide to work with. It is hands on and makes it possible for students to actually see how things are organized and what certain organisms have in common with the other organisms they are classified with.